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08-01 来自 回复
Sun Xinwei, deputy general manager of China State Construction Engineering Corp Central and Western African Region, advised that Chinese companies engaging in any large infrastructure projects in Congo should be aware of expenses for the period after the project is completed and before the official operation, as the Congolese government is suffering from an economic downturn due to oil price drop from 2014, which results in delayed payment
情深一往网 V 博主 Sogou Explorer Windows 10 x64
08-02 来自 回复
@ Hours after the Democratic People's Republic of Korea launched another missile over Japan into the Pacific Ocean on Friday, Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said Washington "should be doing much more than now", so that there's real, effective international cooperation on the Korean Peninsula issue
V 铁粉 Google Chrome 78.0.3904.108 Windows 10 x64 板凳
08-01 来自 回复
"He wanted to go to the inland provinces, and he had some knowledge of Anhui, so he chose Hefei as his destination," Cho said
情深一往网 V 博主 Sogou Explorer Windows 10 x64
08-02 来自 回复
@ Reynolds, who succeeded Terry Branstad as governor when he became the US ambassador to China on May 22, noted that agricultural "is the backbone of Iowa's economy and contributes about $112 billion to our economy annually"
V 铁粉 Google Chrome 78.0.3904.108 Windows 10 x64 板凳
08-01 来自 回复
During the 35-day training course, they learned from Li Mingxu, the fifth generation successor of the Jinzhou Lion Dance, a provincial intangible cultural heritage that has been passed from generation to generation for more than a century
情深一往网 V 博主 Sogou Explorer Windows 10 x64
08-02 来自 回复
@ His wish came true on June 30 in Beijing when Branstad had prime rib from Nebraska to celebrate the return of US beef to China after 13 years


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